Bats and People across Texas
Monitor the spread of bat diversity across urban and rural areas
In a specific area
- Ongoing
More Information
Update: We are currently in the process of obtaining hand held detectors for participants to use! Please stay in touch if you are interested in a training or signing up for a volunteer shift on the project.
This project seeks to find which species of bats in Texas are in urban vs rural areas. If participants report bat activity in an area, a bat detector can be used to identify which species are present.
Another important piece of information is simply the level of bat activity in each area at different times of the year. For this, any observation that includes the estimated number of bats seen (even if it’s none) along with the date and time observed, location, and a description of the area is helpful. For example: ~7 bats seen circling at 11 pm by a barn in Brazos County.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English