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What would you like to do you?

Location Services Necessary (learn more)
Explore Earth and Space

Feed your curiosity with an expert guide

Listen, Learn, Discuss, Inform

Participate in live dialogues about current science and society issues

Celebrate Science

Go to a science festival

Make a Difference

Participate in science or serve your community

Create or Build

Be creative and do something hands-on

For Kids

Where kids can explore, learn, and get excited about science

Benefits of Creating an Account

Get Customized Recommendations

As you search and save events and projects, our system will learn your interests and help you find better science events and projects for you!

Save Opportunities

Find something you’d like to do in the future? Save events and projects, and even set reminders, by creating an account.

Help Science Research

ScienceNearMe is a National Science Foundation funded project to study public engagement with science and informal science learning. Reporting your science will help scientists understand how people do science!