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School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences

ASU West Global BioBlitz

Free Outdoors

To promote nature exploration and discovery

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEcology & EnvironmentNature & OutdoorsBiologyglobal climate changebioblitzglobal bioblitzarizona state universityspecies distribution modelingbiodiversity
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School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences

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People are spending less time outside, reducing their connectedness to nature. Unfortunetly, this may negatively affect ones physical and pyscological well-being. One way to reconnect with nature is to photograph plants and animals you see in your everyday life.

Bioblitzes are designed to catalog as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. These events often result in thousands of observations resulting in the identifications of hundreds of species, many of which may be previously unknown to the scientific community. Most importantly, bioblitzes promote nature exploration and discovery, enhancing nature connectedness and improving mental health…

Although this project was originally developed to provide a supplemental experience to the ones students gain from the virtual labs used in many post-covid courses, one not be a student to participate. Just download and sign-in to the iNaturalist app, join the ASU West Global BioBlitz project, and start making your observations today.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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