Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery
[Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery](< http://www.fws.gov/northeast/craigbrook>) is located in East Orland, Maine
- East Orland Maine
- 306 Hatchery Road
- East Orland, Maine
- United States
- Ongoing
More Information
[Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery](< http://www.fws.gov/northeast/craigbrook>) is located in East Orland, Maine. The hatchery raises and stocks juvenile Atlantic salmon for Maine waters. As part of the restoration program for the Penobscot River, Craig Brook spawns adult Atlantic salmon every fall, raises the eggs, and releases them as fry.
Craig Brook also supports the recovery of six Atlantic salmon populations listed as an endangered species in the Dennys, East Machias, Machias, Narraguagus, Pleasant and Sheepscot rivers. Every year they capture salmon from these rivers, rear them in captivity to sexual maturity, and spawn them to produce fry that are stocked back into the same river the parents were captured in.
Craig Brook also genetically screens all broodstock to ensure that no undesirable genes are inadvertently introduced into the broodstock population.
Take a self-guided tour of the hatchery. Group tours can be arranged by phone call.
Learn about the dynamics of watersheds, and why their health is so important to wildlife, plants and humans.
Learn how you can help out in your watershed to improve its quality, which in turn benefits the economy and the quality of human life.
View native river-specific Atlantic salmon broodstock in the hatchery, some up to 20 pounds.
Hike to the top of Great Pond Mountain (moderately difficult), or enjoy their nature trail system on the 135-acre site (easy).
Also on the premises is the Atlantic Salmon Museum, open by appointment only.
Visit to learn more.
Ticket Required: No
Languages: English