Audubon Naturalist Society and Izaak Walton League of America
Creek Critters
Empowering people to check and report on the health of their local streams
- Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEcology & EnvironmentNature & OutdoorsOcean Water Marinesummer reading 2021aquatic insectsbenthic invertebratesaquatic lifewater quailitystream qualitybenthic macroinvertebratesstream healthbenthic
More Information
Check out the cool critters that live in your stream and learn what they tell you about stream health. The CREEK CRITTERS app walks you through finding and identifying the small organisms (macroinvertebrates) that live in freshwater streams, and generating stream health reports based your findings.
You can submit your data and share it through IWLA’s national monitoring database, the Clean Water Hub.
No prior training is required. The app is easy to use alone or with groups.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English