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Michigan Technology University

Cyber Citizen

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Engage citizens in the awareness of their natural environments

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Citizen ScienceComputers & TechnologyNature & OutdoorsEcology & EnvironmentOcean Water Marineenviromentpolutionsmartphoneapp
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Michigan Technology University

More Information

Cyber Citizen is a research initiative at Michigan Tech University aimed at creating mobile and web-based tools to facilitate scientists and citizen participation in scientist-led environmental and social research projects.

The project has two apps available:

Lichen AQ - uses lichen to track air pollution which helps federal land managers.

Mushroom Mapper - records and analyzes mushroom habitats.

More apps on the way…

App users either upload their data to a publicly accessible database or directly to the researchers’ project website.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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