Eastern Spotted Skunk
Gain verifiable observations of the eastern spotted skunk in Nebraska
In a specific area
- Ongoing
More Information
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and the University of Nebraska- Omaha need your help to locate the eastern spotted skunk within the state. This project has multiple ways participants can help!
Report sightings to iNaturalist
If you think you have found a eastern spotted skunk in Nebraska, please submit images to iNaturalist.org or contact ngpc.spottedskunk@nebraska.gov
Review Camera Trap Images
University of Nebraska Omaha and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission are conducting a camera trap survey project across Nebraska. The goal of this project is to find observations of the rare eastern spotted skunk in the state. We are asking for help to review and tag the images collected. Please visit Nebraska Wildlife Watch on Zooniverse.org to learn more!
Set up Camera Traps
We are recruiting interested landowners, conservation organizations and others who can independently set up and monitor game cameras to help us successfully capture images of spotted skunks in the Nebraska. Those interested should:
-Review the Participation Guidelines to determine if this project is a good fit for you
-Register to be a Nebraska Spotted Skunk participant
-Follow the Participant Guidelines to set up your camera’s traps
-Send images collected to project coordinators (information on how to do this will be provided after registration)
For questions or more information, email ngpc.spottedskunk@nebraska.gov
Also, check the project website: https://outdoornebraska.gov/about/give-back/help-wildlife/community-science/eastern-spotted-skunks/
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English