Texas Stream Team
Texas Stream Team
Understand and Protect the 191,000 miles of Texas Waterways
In a specific area
- Ongoing
Citizen ScienceClimate & WeatherNature & OutdoorsOcean Water MarineEcology & EnvironmentInsects & PollinatorsBiologyChemistryGeographylakecanoedata collectionkayakturbiditymacroinvertebrateswater quality monitoringconductivitymono-filamentwater quality monitoron-site testingenvironmental monitoringaquatic alliancemonitoringpaddlingstream teamcoast-linemaster naturalistsenvironmentalclean rivers programstreamfishingcitizen-based monitoringripariantrainingswaterdivingtestingmonofilamentriverphmonthly samplinge.colistream flowcitizen scientistsan marcoscitizen sciencetexas stream teamwater quality testingmonthly monitoringdissolved oxygensalinityriver rangersthe meadows center for water and the environmenttraining
More Information
Texas Stream Team at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment is dedicated to understanding and protecting the 191,000 miles of Texas waterways. We bring together community members, students, educators, academic researchers, environmental professionals, and both public and private sector partners to conduct scientific research and to promote environmental stewardship.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English