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May 29, 2023
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RNA World

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Citizen ScienceHealth & MedicineBiologyboincdistributed computingcomputers & technology

William and Lynda Steere Herbarium (NYBG)

Nature's Nobleman: Botanical Legacies of William Canby

Uncover the historic plant collections of a 19th century amatuear naturalist

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Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsGeographyEcology & EnvironmentBiologynew yorkcollectionspecimencollectspecimensconservationmuseumherbariumdocumentcitizen sciencedataevolutiontranscribenaturalistcanbybiogeographybiodiveristytaxonomydesertvirtualbotanytranscriptionhistorynaturecomputernatural historyplantsbotanistbotanicalsystematics

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