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within 25 miles
Sep 20, 2024
18 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

Bleach Patrol

Monitor Global Coral Bleaching Events

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEducationOcean Water MarineBiologyEcology & EnvironmentClimate & WeatherPolicyNature & OutdoorsGeology & Earth ScienceGeographyAnimalscoralreefcoral reefcoral bleachingreef healthbleaching


Monitor algal blooms and report it.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceGeology & Earth ScienceEcology & EnvironmentGeographyClimate & WeatherNature & OutdoorsOcean Water Marineblue green algaereportriveroceanlakepondwateralgal bloomsalgal bloom

University of Missouri

Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program

Monitor water quality of Missouri Lakes

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEcology & EnvironmentNature & OutdoorsChemistryEducationblue greenboatlake of the ozarkssmithvillefiltertable rockcyanotoxinnutrientswatercitizen sciencesecchimozingoqualitylakesciencealgaemicrocystinvolunteersedimentmissouricitizenreservoirphosphorusblue green algaefiltrationchlorophyllmark twainstocktontrumansecchi disktoxinnitrogen

Greater Farallones Association, Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History and the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Long-term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students (LiMPETS)

Provide authentic, hands-on coastal monitoring experiences

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsBiologyGeology & Earth ScienceEcology & EnvironmentOcean Water MarineAnimalsClimate & WeatherEducationsandyoceanintertidal monitoringstudentsrocky shoresteacherstidepoolsand crabssand crabrocky intertidalin oceansinvertebratessandy beachintertidalmarinerockyalgae

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