Earthwatch Institute
FreshWater Watch
To better manage and protect the world’s fresh water.
- Ongoing
Citizen ScienceClimate & WeatherNature & OutdoorsOcean Water MarineEducationGeology & Earth ScienceEcology & Environmentstreamsustainabilityfreshwaterdata collectionwaterstewardsstewardshipfresh water datadatalakeglobalresearchcitizen scientistriverdata gatheringdatabasewater cleanlinesspondcitizen sciencewater qualityna
More Information
FreshWater Watch is Earthwatch’s global research project which aims to involve at least 100,000 people in a program to research and learn about fresh water. The purpose of FreshWater Watch is to safeguard the quality and supply of fresh water, our planet’s most precious and vital resource.
Participants have the opportunity to become citizen scientists and take an active role in scientific data gathering. As a citizen scientist, you will join a global community working together to promote freshwater sustainability.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English