The Children's Museum of Wilmington
Full STEAM Ahead
Indoors and outdoors
Calling all curious kiddos! Join us Wednesdays at 10am for some STEAM fun!
- The Children's Museum of Wilmington at Children's Museum Of Wilmington, 116 Orange St, Wilmington, NC, 28401, USA
- Ongoing
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Teaching children about science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) is a great way for children to learn about the scientific process and to develop their critical thinking skills. Together we examine and learn more about our fascinating world. Come explore, play, investigate, and try new things in Full STEAM Ahead! This program is recommended for ages 4+. Access to our Daily Programs is included with admission on a first come, first serve basis.
Ticket Required: Yes
Minimum Age: 4
Maximum Age: 10