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Hong Kong Jellyfish Project

Free Outdoors

Discover the presence, abundance, and distribution of jellyfish in Hong Kong

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  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceAnimalsOcean Water MarineEcology & Environment
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More Information

About the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project
​The Hong Kong Jellyfish Project (HKJP) is a citizen science initiative seeking more information about jellyfish found in Hong Kong waters. Citizen science involves anyone with an interest in the natural world contributing their time and efforts to advance scientific knowledge.

Why is this project being done?
The Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) records six species of jellyfish as occurring in Hong Kong waters, however many people have seen even more species and shown them on social media or nature-based apps. The Hong Kong Jellyfish Project wants to hear about your jellyfish sightings - record sightings and submit them, with photos, on the HKJP website.

Where is this project happening?
This project is taking place all over Hong Kong. Anywhere you can find jellyfish in Hong Kong waters (ocean, reservoirs, etc.), HKJP wants to know about what you find.

Who can participate?
ANYONE! When you are out kayaking, swimming, paddling, sailing, or even riding a ferry and see a jellyfish, take a photo and share it with us. Jellyfish presence can be hard to monitor, so getting everyone involved is the best way to find them!

How will the results be used?
The HKJP will use the sightings to compile data about the distribution and abundance of jellyfish. This data can be combined with environmental data to learn more about jellyfish presence and the causes of blooms, as well as the environmental impacts, both causes and consequences of jellyfish. This can also provide data for recommendations to watersports groups about jellyfish safety. It may be possible to discover new species in Hong Kong waters and update the Hong Kong Register of Marine Species.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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