Monthly Member Meeting - open to public
Montlhly meeting, usually with speakers or events. Look to website for most current information. Usual…
- Bear Branch Nature Center MD
- 300 John Owings Rd
- Westminster, MD
- United States
- March 13, 2025 at 12:25 AM through 12:25 AM
More Information
Montlhly meeting, usually with speakers or events. Look to website for most current information. Usually meetings are held in person and via Zoom. https://www.westminsterastro.org/join-wasi/ All are welcome!
First 30 minutes: "What's Up Basics" with speaker & meeting following. (See calendar for this event posting.)
Every month on the Second Wednesday; Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 7384 1396 - Passcode: 965007
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,87973841396#,,,,*965007# US (Washington DC)
+19294362866,,87973841396#,,,,*965007# US (New York)
Ticket Required: No
Languages: English