Noise in your Neighborhood
Monitor sound levels and create Noise Refuges
- Ongoing
More Information
A Noise Refuge is a designated space designed to escape the noise of everyday life.
They can be found in parks, gardens, and even your local libraries! Noise Refuges aim
to promote focus and relaxation by providing a calm and quiet alternative to loud
Your mission is simple: Find a Noise Refuge in your neighborhood! Use the Noise
Project Decibel Meter App on your smartphone to track the noise levels of your
neighborhood. Map your noise data to the app’s community map so you and your
neighbors can find some peace and quiet! the app will ask a few questions to
describe your experience for each location that you choose. Once completed, use
the QR code to take the noise survey and submit your data, which will be collected
by the National Science Foundation.
Choose a time of the day when there is the most activity in your neighborhood.
Determine a path that includes 3-5 safe and accessible test locations near your home
to test sound levels. What places in your neighborhood produce the most noise? How
about the least noise? Your journey should be completed in less than 1 hour.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English