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Center of Biodiversity Outcomes, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University

Pollinators of Arizona State University

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Aid in citizen science research by documenting pollinators on campus

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Citizen ScienceInsects & PollinatorsEducationBiologypollinators at asupollinators asuasu
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Hosted by
Center of Biodiversity Outcomes, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University

More Information

Discover and document the pollinator species found on the Arizona State University campuses to aid in pollinator conservation research. Learn more about pollinators by identifying a species and viewing its species profile.

Pollinators include insects such as bees and beetles, birds such as hummingbirds, bats such as the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat found in the Sonoran Desert, butterflies, and small mammals. Pollinators provide an important ecosystem service by carrying pollen from flower to flower on their bodies in exchange for a drink of nectar, which helps plants reproduce and bare fruit. One of every three bites of food that you take is provided by pollinators. Their habitat and populations are declining due to factors like climate change, chemical/pesticide usage, and disease. Monitoring their populations, establishing and revitalizing habitats, and overall conservation actions to help ensure their survival is of great importance for all living things.

Participants will earn credit for contributing at least six different species within the month of April.

Please share the project with friends and family near campus and have fun! This is meant to be a fun and interesting experience for you, the citizen scientist.

For additional information and to become more involved, the following links are provided:

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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