SAFMC Release
Partner with fishermen to gather data on released fish
In a specific area
- Ongoing
More Information
The number of released fish is increasing along the South Atlantic coast and improving the information on these fish is critical to good management. Usually, data is collected either at docks or observers are sent out to observe fish on the water, but these are impractical sampling methods for this research. Citizen scientists from the fishing community are needed to help gather information on released shallow water grouper (Black, Gag, Yellowfin, Scamp, Yellowmouth, Red, Rock Hind, Red Hind, Coney, and Graysby) and Red Snapper.
SAFMC Release is housed on the free mobile app SciFish. This app is a tool fishermen can use to provide critical data on the fish they release, such as length, depth of release, observed shark predation, and the use of barotrauma reduction tools like descending devices.
As more fishermen participate and more data are gathered, the information collected through SAFMC Release will help supplement existing data sources and can help inform stock assessments and management.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English