The Winnower
The Winnower
DIY Scholarly Publishing
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Citizen ScienceSocial ScienceGeographyAgricultureBirdsOcean Water MarineFoodPhysicsPsychologyClimate & WeatherPolicyEducationHealth & MedicineAwardsNature & OutdoorsAnimalsGeology & Earth ScienceComputers & TechnologyArchaeology & CulturalAstronomy & SpaceBiologyChemistryEcology & Environmentcitizen sciencestudent scienceblogsscientific publishingopen accessclass projectpost-publication peer reviewstudent projectgrey literatureessaysstudent initiated researchstudent publshingdiyarchival
More Information
The Winnower is a scholarly publishing platform that provides traditional scholarly publishing tools (DOI, typesetting, archival, and Altmetrics) to traditional and non-traditional media including blogposts, reddit AMAs, class essays, grants, theses, reviews, responses to RFIs, lay summaries, journal clubs, citizen science projects and other new media so that it counts for the scholarly record and the scholar’s career. We’ve been live for ~2 years and have 1220+ publications from universities and individuals around the world.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English