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Cornell University/New York Department of Environmental Conservation

AVID (Assessing Vegetation Impacts by Deer)

Cost Outdoors

Monitor the effects of deer browsing on woodland trees and plants

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  • Ongoing through November 30, 2030 at 8:35 PM
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsEcology & EnvironmentAnimalstreeswildlifeecologydeerwildflowersseedlingswoodlandsforestforest health
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Hosted by
Cornell University/New York Department of Environmental Conservation

More Information

AVID is a project to Assess Vegetation for Impacts from Deer. Plants are monitored each year to evaluate the impact of deer browsing. AVID is a method for volunteers, foresters, landowners and others to measure the effect of deer browse on forest health. Participants will learn about forest and woodland ecology, how to identify spring wildflowers and trees, and develop an eye for recognizing signs of deer impacts.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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