등산객을 통한 수목 전염병 확산 방지
등산객을 통한 수목 전염병 확산 방지
전염병 피해 확산 방지와 전염병 데이터 수집 및 분석
Multiple locations, including yours!
- Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsEcology & EnvironmentInsects & Pollinators소나무재선충참나무시드름병병해충등산솔잎혹파리산림
전염병 피해 확산 방지와 전염병 데이터 수집 및 분석
Multiple locations, including yours!
The Discovery NV
Synthesize and Visualize the Scientific Knowledge on the Web
In celebration of our first 200 years, we’ve selected 200 stories that provide a glimpse into the Academy’s rich history and amazing discoveries of yesterday and today.
Museum of Discovery and Science FL
Lucile Miller Observatory NC
an 85% 3D printable professional spectrometer
Lost Corner Preserve (Lost Cottage) - Sandy Springs GA
Colecta de datos de abejas de importancia económica y ecológica para Bolivia