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Dec 22, 2024
11 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

ACT & Southern Tablelands Weedspotter

The aim of this project is to involve community members in the early detection and reporting of weeds so that ACT government and NSW council weeds officers can respond quickly to minimise the potential spread of problem weeds.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen Sciencequeanbeyanbiodiversityllscoomawingecaribeeecology & environmentshireyassbombalasouth easttumutmulwaree, nrm, act, council, palerang, wingecaribee, queanbeyan, yass, shire, bombala, goulburn, lls, south east, lachlan, weed, nsw, local land services, snowy river, southern tablelands, monaro, tumut, cooma, weedsgoulburnlachlanweeds actweedpalerangmulwareesnowy riverlocal land services councilnrmmonarosouthern tablelandsnsw

Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium Inc.

Bell Miner Associated Dieback Best Practice Project

Evaluate the removal of mid-storey density in disturbed forests using prescribed fire, weed control and bush regeneration as a method to restore BMAD affected forest.

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEducationEcology & EnvironmentBirds treesbird monitoringtree health across the northern rivers region of new south waleslocations of native bell miner colonies birds biodiversitybmad affected forestaustralialandholdersbell miner associated dieback (bmad)datagondwana world heritage

Ghosts of the Coast

Document the formation of ghost forests.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEducationEcology & Environmentgeographywildfirestidegeorgiamaritime forestgedan labtree deathsaltwater marshghost forestgeologycoastal ecologytree stumpblue crabkeryn gedanmarsh migrationmarshspartina patenseast coastgroundwaterwoodsalt tolerantregenerationdelaware baypinechanging shorelineghosts of the coastsaltwater marshessalt stresseastern shorenorth carolinamid atlanticriverbankclimate changenew yorksweet gumsalt tolerant plantsprime hook national wildlife refugechanging landscapesalinemullica river estuarydying treesmarinedying forestrising seassalt watervirginiasomerset countyestuaryblackwater national refugeshorelinesouth carolinaforestkilling treescordgrassseawaternew jerseychesapeake baydisturbanceswampsaltwaterdelawaresawgrasssaltwetlandsbleached treessoilfloodingsea level risesurvey123stormfloridasapcattus islandcoastal marine ecologyblack needle rushdead treesfloodglobal warmingsalt water intrusiondelmarva peninsulaecologytidal inundationcedarstorymapthe george washington universitystumpphragmiteshurricanevirginia coast reservedroughtland conversionlow elevationcoastal educationcoastalmarylandtributaries

Jug Bay Macroinvertebrate Sampling


  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsAnimalsEcology & EnvironmentInsects & PollinatorsOcean Water Marinewater qualitybugsaquatic insectswater pollutioninsectsinsect

Leaf Tying Moth (Hypocosmia pyrochroma) - a biological control agent of Cat's Claw Creeper (Dolichandra unguis-cati) in the Burnet-Mary catchments

This is a citizen science-based project aimed at raising public awareness of the devastating impact the Cat’s Claw Creeper has on our natural environments as well as contributing to a better understanding of the establishment and dispersal processes of biological control agents as well as their effe

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen Scienceinvasive weeds hypocosmia pyrochroma biological control invasive weedsleaf tying mothbiological control leaf tying mothecology & environment dolichandra unguis-catihypocosmia pyrochromabiodiversityecologycat's claw creeperdolichandra unguis-cati

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