Florida Gopher Tortoise Protection Project
Monitor and Protect Gopher Tortoise Populations
- 4399 Winter Lake Road
- Lakeland Florida, Florida
- Ongoing
More Information
Help Protect the Florida Gopher Tortoise!
This project is important for us to collect information on the socializing, mating, and general habitats of the Gopher Tortoise, a threatened species here in Florida. As a waif gopher tortoise recipient site we receive tortoises that have been collected by law enforcement or have been hurt and assessed by wildlife rehabbers. These tortoise’s are released into a natural habitat that is monitored to collect information on how they interact back into a natural home.
Conducting these surveys allows us to determine the population of Gopher tortoise’s on site and helps us determine if our land management techniques need to be adjusted.
The Waif Gopher Tortoise Monitoring Project includes:
-Telemetry: conducted every 2 weeks, (7/11, 7/25, 8/8, etc) begin time at 9:00 am. They will report to Me at Circle B Bar Reserve, 4399 winter lake Road Lakeland FL,.
-Camera Card collection and data download: completed once a month, 3rd wednesday of the month, beginning at 7:30 am. Report to me at Circle B Bar Reserve, 4399 winter lake Road Lakeland FL,. After collection data download will be the same day/
-Data review: schedule is flexible, come as available or we can set up certain days with the volunteer to come. They will report to Me at Circle B Bar Reserve, 4399 winter lake Road Lakeland FL,.
The Burrow Surveys includes:
-Conducting a gopher tortoise burrow survey in 3 units at our SUMICA property. The first survey will take place on July 24, beginning at 7 am. Location to meet with be at Circle B Bar Reserve and carpool with Mary to the SUMICA site. Volunteers may meet at SUMICA at 8 am, if they choose to. Volunteers will check-in with Brooke to confirm coming on July 22. On survey day, volunteers will report to Mary.
Interested participants can also contact Soldiers2Scientists@gmail.com for assistance.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English