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Girls in STEM Conference

Cost Indoors

Girls in 4th-8th grades discover the fun side of STEM careers at this unique annual conference!

  • Connally High School, 13212 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX, 78753, USA
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  • Ongoing
ConferenceCommunityProfessional DevelopmentWorkshopAnimalsAstronomy & SpaceBiologyBirdsChemistryClimate & WeatherComputers & TechnologyDesignEcology & EnvironmentEducationEngineeringGeneral ScienceGeographyGeology & Earth ScienceHealth & MedicineMathematicsNature & OutdoorsPaleontologyPhysicsRoboticsTechnologyTransportationwomeninstemhands-on stemkidsgirlsinstem
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Girls currently in 4th-5th and 6th-8th grades will discover the fun side of STEM careers at this unique annual conference just for them. The day is packed with three hands-on workshops led by women in science, technology, engineering, and math fields. Separate workshops are provided by grade level (4th-5th and 6th-8th).

Girls in STEM Conference Registration Opens Thursday, February 1, 2024! The conference cost is $35, which includes lunch and a t-shirt. Conference registration closes Monday, April 1st.

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Ticket Required: Yes

Minimum Age: 8

Maximum Age: 14

Provided to SNM by
National Girls Collaborative Project
