Global Pollinator Watch Harris Cnty P4 CCSC 2024
Monitor pollinator diversity/abundance in/around Harris County, Texas
In a specific area
- Ongoing
More Information
Harris County Precinct 4 Pollinator Watch is a sub-project of the Global Pollinator Watch. The goal of Global Pollinator Watch, a home-based citizen science program, is to equip participants with the training and resources they need to collect data that will help us to understand better pollinator presence and diversity not just in the greater Harris County (and surrounding counties) but also around the world. This project will increase data by supporting participants to submit better observations, including adding valuable data points for researchers to use to monitor changes in global biodiversity. The project is open to participants in the Harris County Precinct 4 Community Citizen Science Corps to collect data on the pollinators in their backyards, neighborhoods, or in pockets of nature where they work or travel.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English