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e-Bike Conversion Project Workshop

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Showcase your talents for fabrication, engineering and design by converting your bicyle to an e-bike. The perfect portfolio project to talk about in college essays.

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More Information

Converting a regular bicycle into an electric bike (e-Bike) is a fantastic portfolio project that not only provides practical experience but also imparts crucial lessons about the value of hands-on learning, the pros and cons of building a bike yourself, and the importance of learning from the process.

Showcase your talents for fabrication, engineering and design by building your own e-bike. This step-by-step instruction will help you create a head-turner!

This course includes:

Material List
Project Management Checklist
How-to instruction videos

Download the informational PDFs and order your materials.

Each video documents one step along the fabrication journey to building your e-bike. Watch the video and complete the task before moving to the next instructional video. Mark off each task on the checklist as you go!

Take pictures and videos to document building your e-bike. This is a portfolio project that will set you apart from your peers when completing college applications and essays. Just imagine rolling your e-bike into an in-person interview to tell your future employer the steps you took and how you built this yourself. That almost guarantees your internship, apprenticeship or job.

Get the attention of EVERYONE when you tell the story of how you built this yourself!

This bundle of courses includes the series “Bike 101” and our signature FABcamp class “How to Build an E-Bike.”

For our articles on how hands-on learning when building an e-bike empowers skill-building, visit BeAthenian.org/Blog

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