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Sanford Underground Research Facility

Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center Docent Tour

Free Indoors

Docent Tours provide an in-depth exploration of the exhibits at the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center

  • Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center at 160 W Main St, Lead, SD, 57754, USA
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  • Ongoing
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Trace the history of the Homestake Mine, the community that grew around it, the transition to the Sanford Underground Research Facility, and the research currently occurring a mile underground. Step into the cage to experience what going underground is like, investigate the 3-D model of the underground, and explore the history of science at SURF via the LUX detector. The tour will then move outdoors, with time on the observation deck discussing the geology visible from the Open Cut, and the Ray Davis ring.

Docent tours will last approximately 30 minutes, with time after for Q&A. Tours will include some walking on flat and concrete surfaces, and are wheelchair accessible.

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Ticket Required: No

Provided to SNM by
Sanford Underground Research Facility
