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within 25 miles
Feb 13, 2025
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Cedar Creek: Eyes on the Wild

Understand wildlife dynamics in Minnesota

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceAnimalsNature & OutdoorsEcology & Environmentwildlifeenvironmentmeso-predatorssoil biodiversitypredatorsbiological field stationtrail cameraherbivoresdiversityboreal coniferous forestbiologymidwestern usatallgrass prairiedeeranimal life.ecologyplantminnesotabirdsecosystemnaturecsm2025eastern deciduous forestclassify imagesfaunareserveflorabisonlargest biomes of north america

Earthwise Aware

EwA Invasive Flora Patrol

Feed EwA’s biodiversity & climate studies and help ecological assessment and management of sensitive areas in the Greater Boston Area (Massachusetts, U.S.)

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing through December 31, 2029 at 5:00 AM
Citizen ScienceEcology & Environment monitoring plants city habitat degradationland use scienceinvasive species field workmonitoringhabitat degradation parksclimate change invasive species ecology climate climate change land usebiodiversity

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