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Discovery Hall Programs at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Oceanography of Waves

Cost Outdoors

Students apply the scientific method by developing and testing hypotheses through measuring, graphing, and analyzing wave height data.

  • Dauphin Island Sea Lab at 101 Bienville Blvd, Dauphin Island, AL, 36528, USA
see on map
  • Ongoing
Live ScienceEducationshorelinesocean sciencewaves
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Students explore the scientific method by developing and testing hypotheses as they measure, graph, and analyze wave height data. The group delves into the physics of waves, examines online examples of unusual wave phenomena, and tests their hypotheses using a wave tank. Throughout the activity, the educator leads a discussion on the impact of waves on shorelines and communities, highlighting their constancy and power.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 10

Maximum Age: 18

Provided to SNM by
Alabama STEM Council
