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within 25 miles
Dec 22, 2024
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National Park Service Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center

Common Loon Citizen Science at Glacier National Park

Provide park managers with long-term status data on common loons

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEcology & EnvironmentBirdsBiologyOcean Water MarineAnimalsNature & Outdoorsgavia immer, nps, loons, wildlife, glacier park, glacier national park, parks, national park, hiking, waterbirds, montana, loon, national park service, conservation, lakes, park, common loon

Ghosts of the Coast

Document the formation of ghost forests.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEducationEcology & Environmentriverbanksalt stressswamplow elevationdelawaresalt water intrusionvirginiarising seasmid atlanticsaltwatertidal inundationdisturbancedying forestnew yorksalt waterkeryn gedansoilcoastal educationshorelineeastern shorestorymapmarsh migrationnorth carolinaeast coastsouth carolinaglobal warmingpineghosts of the coastbleached treesgroundwatergeographyregenerationtributariesthe george washington universitysaltwater marshstumpsapcoastal marine ecologychanging landscapekilling treesdelmarva peninsulablack needle rushfloodsawgrasscoastaltree deathgeologydroughtsea level risewoodsalinevirginia coast reservecedarmarylandnew jerseydelaware bayprime hook national wildlife refugecordgrasscattus islanddying treessaltgeorgiahurricanesomerset countysaltwater marshesmarshphragmitesmaritime forestland conversionfloridamarinegedan labsalt tolerant plantscoastal ecologymullica river estuarytidechanging shorelineseawatersweet gumsurvey123wetlandsghost forestecologyblue crabwildfiresspartina patensestuaryforesttree stumpstormclimate changefloodingsalt tolerantblackwater national refugedead treeschesapeake bay

Phytoplankton Monitoring

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceChemistryNature & OutdoorsOcean Water MarineBiologyClimate & WeatherEcology & Environment

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